All pujas are in-person events. You do not need to pre-register, but if you’re participating for the first time, please arrive AT LEAST 15 minutes prior to start time for an introduction. These are all free and open to anyone with an interest in more traditional Buddhist practices. Our weekly practices are regularly scheduled as per below. Please check our calendar for exact times for any of our monthly practices.
Heart Jewel
The Essential Practices of Kadampa Buddhism
This program is the standard daily practice for students of the New Kadampa Tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. Set to music and incorporating chanted prayers, it is designed to help practitioners achieve spiritual realizations and eventually experience the joy of full enlightenment. It will also include two meditation sessions.
The prayers are preceded by a 15-minute teaching that serves as an introduction to the practice.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of prior experience, faith or knowledge.
SUNDAYS: 9:45am – 11am
Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden
Wishfulfilling Jewel with TSOG
This practice is the heart essence of Kadampa Buddhism. In the first part we visualize our Spiritual Guide as Je Tsongkhapa and make prayers and requests to purify negativity, accumulate merit, and receive blessings. This prepares our mind for a twenty-minute meditation on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. After the meditation we make prayers to our Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden. Through this we can overcome obstacles to our practice and create favorable conditions so that we can nurture and increase our pure Dharma realizations.
Chanted prayers, usually on the 28th or 29th of the month (1 hour)
Please see calendar for dates/times each month.
Prayers for World Peace
In light of the dangerous situation in the world, Buddhists pray. Join us in praying for world peace.Through contemplating prayers compiled by Geshe Kelsang from traditional sources, we learn to cherish others. If everyone sincerely prays to be able to cherish others, then gradually, through the power of this prayer, everyone will actually cherish each other. The world will then be permanently at peace, and everyone will experience pure, everlasting happiness.
MONDAYS: 5:45 – 6:15pm
Je Tsongkhapa, The Spiritual Guide of Kadampa Buddhism
Offering to the Spiritual Guide
This is a special Guru Yoga of Je Tsongkhapa in conjunction with Highest Yoga Tantra that is a preliminary practice for Vajrayana Mahamudra. The main practice is relying upon our Spiritual Guide as a Buddha and making praises and requests, but it also includes all the essential practices of the stages of the path and training the mind, as well as both the generation stage and completion stage of Highest Yoga Tantra. By relying upon Je Tsongkhapa, our compassion, wisdom, and spiritual power naturally increase.
Chanted prayers on the 10th and 25th of the month (2 hours)
Please see calendar for dates/times each month.
Prayers to Green Tara
At Kadampa Centers worldwide, the eighth of the month is Tara Day. Tara is a female Buddha, whose name means “Rescuer.” She is the embodiment of swift compassion. If we rely upon Tara sincerely and with strong faith, she will protect us from all obstacles and fulfill all our wishes. Everyone is welcome and invited to join us for our chanted Tara prayer practice, using the Liberation from Sorrow sadhana (prayer booklet).
Chanted prayers on the 8th of the month.
Please see calendar for the date/time each month.
Four-Armed Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion
Powa Prayers for the Recently Deceased
Once a month, the Center engages in a ritual practice on behalf of the recently deceased. Through chanted prayers and mantras, participants assist in directing the consciousness of the recently deceased to the Pure Land. Please feel free to bring a flower or vegetarian food offering.
If you would like to add someone who has recently passed away to our Powa prayers, please join us in person or email the person’s or animal’s name to
SECOND SUNDAY of every month: 2:30 - 3:30pm