Weekly Drop-In Classes
Everyone is welcome. No meditation experience is necessary. All weekly classes are suitable for practitioners of all levels, including beginners. Our classes are presented as a monthly series, but you are welcome to drop in on any individual class.
Buddhism for Beginners
Curious about Buddhism? This weekly class presents basic teachings that you can immediately use to improve your work and relationships, cultivate inner peace and increase your enjoyment of daily life. Each hour-long class includes a meditation, a teaching, and time for discussion.
Everyone is welcome!
Free for members / $10 non-members
Happiness Guaranteed!
We all want to be happy, and put a lot of time and energy into arranging our lives to make that happen. We strive to get the best of everything: the perfect job, perfect partner, perfect home, a fleet of puppies, a private tropical island with strong wifi…but then "life happens," and we find we haven't created the lasting happiness we've been working for.
News flash! Buddhism teaches us that external conditions will never lead to lasting happiness. When we turn our focus to cherishing others, however, we tap into an unlimited source of joy. In fact, as our founder Geshe Kelsang says, "I guarantee that the less you cherish yourself and the more you cherish others, the happier you will become."
In this class, we will study Lamrim meditations to help us grow our love for others and find lasting happiness. Guaranteed!
This online-only class is available only to members. Please join using the Center’s member link. Zoom link will be sent to all members via email. Attendance is free and no registration is required. If you don’t get the email by the first of the month, please contact epc@brooklynmeditation.org
Meditate in Community
When we meditate and look inward, we paradoxically discover a natural feeling of warmth toward others. This is because the deeper we go within, the more interconnected we are. This indicates that our meditation practice isn't meant to be a solitary journey.
By meditating with others, we can experience the inspirational energy that arises from practicing in a group, deepen our understanding of the dharma through discussion, and cultivate a community based on deep and meaningful commonalities that will help you sustain your practice.
Each class will include two meditations, a dharma talk, and a facilitated discussion designed to deepen our understanding of the teachings and foster connection with others.
This month’s topic: The person we interact with the most is our own self. But who exactly is this? By understanding our true nature, we can relate to ourselves with wisdom and positivity.
Free for members / $12 non-members / Optional Discussion after class 8:15-845pm!
Friday Night In
We are always looking to go “out,” but happiness is to be found “within.” When we realize this truth, we can relax, knowing we can find inner peace whenever we want.
Spend time with us every Friday evening through the winter for an alternative getaway. Each night we will offer a simple short teaching and meditation. Afterwards, we can relax and hang out at the center with snacks. Everyone is welcome!
Please note that a $5 admission fee is now being charged to non-members.
Free for members / $5 non-members
Meditation Toolkit
Meditation gives rise to peace of mind, and when our minds are peaceful, we are happy. We will find relief from stress, anxiety and difficult relationships.
This program has been carefully designed to support those who wish to develop and sustain an enduring meditation practice. In particular, we will study the “Lamrim,” a time-tested system of 21 meditations that help you, step-by-step, become a wiser, more compassionate person. Discover the joy of meditation, and become a life-long meditator.
Free for members / $10 non-members
Overcoming Fear of Failure
Our fear of failure— which is about protecting our ego—keeps us from trying new things. It leaves us in a state of painful paralysis.
In this course, we will explore how to let go of perfectionism, learn from failure and be kind to ourselves when things don't work out. We will learn new ways to relate to ourselves and the world that are truly beneficial. Everyone is welcome!
Free for members / $15 non-members